pátek 22. června 2018

Louis Hjemslev - O základech teorie jazyka

Jazyk, lidská řeč, je nevyčerpatelná pokladnice mnohostranných hodnot.

úterý 19. června 2018

Ramez Naam - Apex

This is how the human era ends.

Ramez Naam - Crux

The pianist’s hands glided across the keys, spreading out to left and right, fingers striking keys in unison. 

Ramez Naam - Nexus

The woman who called herself Samantha Cataranes climbed out of the cab and walked towards the house on 23rd Street.

pondělí 11. června 2018

Aaron Ross, Marylou Tyler - Predictable revenues

I'm going to start by adressing head-on one of the biggest misconceptions in modern, effective sales: that adding salespeople is what grows revenue.